The Youth Bullying Prevention Act of 2012 (YBPA; DC Law L19-167) and its implementing regulations require schools and other youth serving agencies (including, but not limited to, government agencies, libraries, nonprofits, and community centers) to adopt comprehensive anti-bullying policies, implement thorough reporting and investigation procedures, provide training for staff, and maintain and report incident data. The law further requires the Mayor to report to Council, on a biennial basis, the current implementation of the Act and to provide a summary of the status of bullying in the District of Columbia. This report serves to fulfill this requirement for school year (SY) 2019-2020. As with the previous iterations of this report (SY 2013-2014; SY 2015-2016; SY 2017-2018), this report provides a detailed summary of each education institution’s engagement with the YBPA.
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