Condom Use and Consistency Among Teen Males

Fact SheetSexual & Reproductive HealthOct 1, 2008

Teens in the United States have high rates of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and recent data indicate that U.S. teens are engaging in riskier sexual behaviors. Male adolescents can help to lower these rates and risks by using condoms consistently with their sexual partners. Child Trends drew on national survey data from 15- to 19-year-old males to examine condom use and consistency among teen males and how these patterns may be influenced by partner and relationship characteristics, access to sex education, and individual attitudes. This Fact Sheet presents these findings. A key intent of this research was to broaden understanding about how multiple dimensions of teen males’ lives are associated with condom use and consistency. This understanding, in turn, can inform public policy, service delivery, and other strategies to help teens better protect themselves against STIs and pregnancy.
