Kristin Anderson Moore Annual Lecture Series

The Kristin Anderson Moore Annual Lecture was created by Child Trends’ board of directors in 2006, to honor senior scholar Kristin Moore’s years of leadership as president of Child Trends, from 1992 to 2006. The Lecture is an opportunity for Child Trends to raise awareness of an important issue related to children’s well-being, and to encourage thoughtful public discussion of that issue.

2018 – Eliminating childhood lead exposure

February 8, 2018

Child Trends hosted a lecture and discussion on why childhood lead exposure is still a problem in the United States and the developing world, and how we can strive to eliminate it.

The event featured keynote speaker Dr. Mary Jean Brown, a nationally recognized expert on lead poisoning from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

After the lecture, Child Trends Senior Scholar Dr. Kristin Anderson Moore moderated a discussion on lead poisoning prevention between Brown, National League of Cities Senior Fellow Anthony Santiago, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Senior Policy Officer Dr. Giridhar Mallya.

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2015 – The Role of Research in Promoting Social Change: Teen Pregnancy Prevention as a Case Study

The 9th annual Kristin Anderson Moore Lecture featured renowned teen pregnancy prevention advocate Sarah S. Brown, who co-founded and, for nearly 20 years, led The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy as its CEO.

Presenters: Kristin Moore, Sarah S. Brown, Evelyn Kappeler, Ron Haskins
December 2, 2015


Video – Child Trends on Topic: Teen Pregnancy Prevention

2014 – The Developing Brain: Implications for Youth Programs

Scientists have made rapid gains in their understanding of the brain–our body’s most complex organ. We know more about the brain than ever before, providing new opportunities to apply this knowledge in programs serving children and youth. This year’s lecture featured a presentation by Jane Roskams, executive director for strategy and alliances at the Allen Institute for Brain Science.

Presenters: Kristin Moore, Sarah S. Brown, Evelyn Kappeler, Ron Haskins
November 5, 2014


Research brief – The Developing Brain: Implications for Youth Programs

2013 – Too Young for Technology? What parents and child care providers should know about the use of digital media for toddlers and preschoolers

Digital media use among toddlers and preschoolers is a growing reality. 47 percent of children from birth through age two spent more than an hour in front of a TV on an average weekday in 2011/2012. While mobile use remains small among this demographic (only six percent are daily users and average about two minutes per day on mobile media), it is increasing. More than one in three have used a smartphone, tablet, or similar device. This lecture was a panel discussion featuring topic experts.

Presenters: Lisa Guernsey, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Rosemarie Truglio
December 13, 2013


Child Trends 5 – 5 Things to Know about Tots and Technology

2012 – Common Ground: A Roadmap to Investing in What Works for Children in Tough Fiscal Times

A lecture featuring Patrick McCarthy, President & Chief Executive Officer, Annie E. Casey Foundation; C. Eugene Steuerle, Richard B. Fisher Chair and Institute Fellow, Urban Institute; and Mindy R. Levit, Analyst in Public Finance, Congressional Research Service.

October 2, 2012

2011 – Communities that Care: Using Research to Prevent and Reduce Delinquency and Drug Use

A lecture featuring Dr. Richard Catalano, Bartley Dobb Professor for the Study and Prevention of Violence Director, Social Development Research Group, School of Social Work, University of Washington Respondents: Michael Little, Ph.D., Co-Director, The Social Research Unit, Dartington, UK; and Patrick Lester, Senior Vice President for Public Policy, Alliance for Children and Families and United Neighborhood Centers of America.

October 6, 2011

2010 – Turning Around 1,000 Schools: The Story of Success for All

A lecture featuring Robert D. Slavin, Ph.D., Director, Center for Research and Reform in Education, Johns Hopkins University School of Education, Baltimore, MD. Dr. Slavin discussed lessons learned in developing, evaluating, and scaling up a school turnaround model.

October 12, 2010

2009 – Evidence-Based Programs in Action: Policy and Practice Insights from a Success Story

Philip Uninsky, executive director of the Youth Policy Institute (Hamilton, NY), shared his experiences and lessons learned in successfully implementing a broad continuum of evidence-based early intervention programs to improve academic outcomes and reduce or prevent substance abuse, juvenile detention, and foster care placements. Evaluations thus far show that outcomes meet or exceed those predicted by the research. Mr. Uninsky offered timely and relevant insights to national policy makers and others focused on advancing proven program models. Mr. Uninsky’s presentation was followed by commentary from policy experts Larkin Tackett, U.S. Department of Education, Promise Neighborhood Initiative; Sonja Nesbit, Deputy Staff Director, House Ways & Means Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support; and Cliff Johnson, Executive Director, Institute for Youth, Education, and Families, National League of Cities.

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2008 – Marriage: Love It or Leave It?

Marriage has become a divisive issue in the United States, both ideologically and socially, with substantial differences in family structure and father involvement across race and ethnicity, income, and education. Today, nearly four in ten births occur outside of marriage, cohabitation is rising, and nearly half of all marriages dissolve. Efforts to strengthen marriage have been driven by considerable evidence that family structure matters for the health, wealth, and happiness of both adults and children. However, even if people agree on the desirability of marriage, or on the value of healthy marriage, the challenges to fostering marriage are substantial.

Child Trends is concerned about this topic because of evidence that children develop best in families formed by their biological or adoptive parents, as long as the families are low in conflict. What should public policy do? Is it time to move on to other issues? Or are there reasons to keep marriage on the policy and program agenda?

Presenters: Kristin Moore, Ronald Mincy of the Columbia School of Social Work
December 12, 2008

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2007 – Intergenerational Balancing Act: Where Children Fit in an Aging Society

Presenters: Kristin Moore, Isabel Sawhill of The Brookings Institution
October 17, 2007

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